
The 3 things that you need to know when choosing a poker coach

There are 3 things that you need to know when you pick your coach:

1. Has to make a shit ton of money
Or at least has to beat 2 limits higher than you.

2. Has to be a successful coach.
Very important because most people don’t even pay attention to this. What I mean by that is not that students say “oh he’s such a nice guy” or “whenever I call he’s there for me”…if people wrote those reviews about me I would consider myself the biggest failure.
Students wrote about me “he’s the worst person in the world, but god, how he rocket my poker results”

These are the type of results, I mean, I don’t think I’m a terrible person, but I get things DONE.
$100k in 9 months? Easy. Losing player, no problem. I’ve done it not once, not twice but many many times.

So a coach has to be judged if he can tur losing players into winners (midstakes, highstakes players) in a relatively short amount of time.

You should pick your coach on “has he done what you want to achieve?”. Has he done this himself but also with other people?

3. Has to be willing to do Coaching for Profits

The coach has to be willing to coach you for free and only get a share of the profits. This is what we have been doing for years, and that’s why you can trust us. And that’s why you know that our material actually really works!

How does that work, because you can’t go to the coach and say “hey, coach me for free, give me hundreds of hours of coaching and maybe I’ll play but I feel bad tomorrow maybe I’ll skip it.” That’s not fair. So our condition, and we’re willing to take anybody up on this, if you’re willing to work your ass off, play a lot, that’s pretty much the only condition.

This way you know that you can trust us because anybody can talk a great game but unless you’re playing high-stakes you’re not able to evaluate the quality of the strategy material. You can say this is good, or this is bad, but look, what matters is: does it work or not?

Remember, winning or losing. Choose winning!

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