Women in BPC: Ola from Canada

Hi guys and gals, today we will start with a special blog post series “Women in BPC”. Yes, there are women playing poker and we also have a few female members of our team. I have the honor to introduce you to the first women in that series: Ola aka “petite-lambda”, the first female in […]

I want to make a lot of money in the next few years, so I can retire.

Today we will meet one of our successful members of the BPC 6max Crusher program. Let me introduce you to Leandro aka “LeandroOS”:   When and why did you start playing poker? I started playing poker in high school, 10, 11 years ago. Back then I would skip classes and even tests to play for coins. […]

BPC is international: Meet Rafał from Poland

Most people decide to start playing 6max, when they get involved with poker, so did Rafał aka “claher”. Nonetheless, he joined our HU program and is doing pretty well. When and why did you start playing poker? I started playing Texas Holdem Poker in high-school, around 6 years ago.  My classmates played during the breaks and I was […]

[PODCAST] Interview between SNG head coach Ben and Student Mariano

How does somebody who is making it in the Coaching for programs approach the game? How does he study? What does he think are the most important points for any beginner? Michael “Mariano5” made $8.9k playing SNGs during April. He is a student in our SNG Coaching for profits program, under Head Coach Bencb789. Play […]

BPC is international: Mikhail from Russia

Hi everybody, if you are a part of our BPC community you most likely have heard of him, Mikhail aka “Rylan”. If not you will now: Rylan our PLO HU student completed his €60,000 challenge in our HU program in 7 months and 13 days. Insane performance! His biggest win was €8,138. And now he strikes back […]

BPC is international: Lauri from Estonia

Today I want to introduce you to Lauri aka “hugocabret” our HU soldier from Estonia. He is a successful student in our HU program. He had switched from our 6max program, which was obviously the right choice. Let me introduce you to Lauri:   When and why did you start playing poker? Back in 2007, […]

BPC is international: Danny from Canada

Let us have a chat with Danny today. He is also known as “Danxity” in our “NL HU Soldiers” team. Do not miss out on the opportunity to meet him. Here we go: When and why did you start playing poker? I started playing live poker in late 2009, and online poker seriously since I […]

BPC is international: Marcus from Sweden

Today we have an interview with Marcus aka “Crunky” from Sweden. He is doing very well in our program as part of our 6-max Micro team. Here we go! Update: Awesome news! He now climbed up and is a member in our 6-max Crusher team.   When and why did you start playing poker? I started […]

BPC is International: Yordan from Bulgaria

A few weeks ago we introduced you to HitThat from Sofia in Bulgaria and tonight we have a meeting with a fellow countryman: Yordan aka “Yordi”. He is a member of our 6-max Micro program and doing pretty well there. See yourself.   When and why did you start playing Poker? I started playing poker about […]