
Fixing Mistakes in a Coaching Session

The student in the session, Rutger has already finished his 30k Coaching for Profits contract. He started playing NL2 and ended the program taking shots at NL200.

The coaching sessions inside our Coaching for Profits program are the key that leads the students to achieve great results.

The video you’re about to see is one of the coaching sessions Rutger had during the program:

In the second hand of the session, Rutger was dealt ATs on the BTN and called a raise from the CO. (The BB also called, but he’ll not be important in the hand)

Considering CO’s opening range and Rutger’s calling range, here is the representation of both:

CO’s opening range on the left, Rutger’s calling range on the right.

On the Kc5c9d flop, the CO decided to check, and Rutger decided not to stab vs two opponents and checked back, which is a good play.

Here is how we can expect CO’s checking range to be:

Checking range from CO on the flop.

Now we are on the turn, and the opponent decided to delayed cbet (skip flop cbet and bet turn) the Qd turn  turn. With the nut flush draw and gutshot, Rutger has an easy decision to call.

This is how CO’s range looks like for betting on the turn:

CO’s delayed cbet range on the turn.

The river is a 5d and Rutger completed the flush. The CO decides to go for a check raise. Rutger has the nut flush but this is a tough decision when there is a paired card on the board, making a full house possible.

We need to ask ourselves: What do we beat? With the size CO has chosen, Rutger only needs to be ahead 30% of the time to break even.

Let’s analyze! The only hand that beats Rutger is QQ (check the range above), which is 3 combos. So he needs CO to have 1-2 worse hands for him to have a break even call. (check the range again)

CO has 2 combinations of flushes that could play this way. Is it a weird line? Yes. But also playing QQ like that… So it wouldn’t be impossible.

What we’re not putting on the table here is the possibility of CO making a random bluff, which is not impossible at all with that weird line.

Taking his range into consideration and also the possibility of CO making a random bluff, calling with the nut flush would be the best option.

That is only one of the many interesting hands in the video. I wouldn’t miss the whole video if I were you. You don’t get to watch how someone became successful every day!

If you already watched the video, you can read an interview with Rutger HERE.

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